
Dr. Flora McMartin

Flora McMartin



Flora McMartin is the founder of Broad-based Knowledge, LLC (BbK), a consulting firm focused on the evaluation of technology assisted teaching and learning. She has served as an External Evaluator for a number of NSF-funded projects associated with faculty development, community building, peer review of learning materials, and dissemination of educational innovations.

Sarah Holsted, MLS




As a Consultant for Broad-based Knowledge (BbK), Holsted conducts evaluations and literature reviews for BbK’s higher education clients and consults on information organization. Holsted has also consulted in education technology, specifically on implementing, evaluating, and promoting the sustainability of education digital libraries. Prior to establishing a consulting practice, Holsted worked in the private sector conducting market analyses and assessments related to deploying technology in higher education.

BbK Work & News

Dr. Flora McMartin
skype: flora.mcmartin
5935 Orchard Ave
Richmond, CA 94804

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